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Pulled Pork Recipe for the 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July weekend. As a proud American, my family and I are celebrating our nation's independence this holiday weekend. Along with the parades, ceremonies and fireworks -good food makes the celebrations even more enjoyable.

If you're looking for an absolutely delicious recipe for pulled pork barbecue for your summer holiday celebration:   Here's one of my own that is always a hit whenever I make it.   Please feel free to share any other recipes (summer holiday or otherwise) that you may have that make your holiday cookouts special!

Shelley’s Pulled Pork Barbecue

(Tip: start cooking early morning or put on the night before)

For Sauce:

1 cup Sweet Baby Ray’s Spicy Barbecue Sauce

½ cup chopped onions

3 Tablespoons Sugar

1 cup Ketchup

2 tsp. Worcester sauce

2 tsp. black pepper

2 tsp. salt


3 lb. Pork loin roast

1 cup water (do not mix with sauce)

½ cup sliced onions

Mix sauce ingredients together in a large bowl. (I use Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce whenever a recipe calls for barbecue sauce – it’s very tasty) Place the ½ cup sliced onions on the bottom of crock pot. Cut the fat from roast. (I prefer a pop up timer roast) Place pork loin roast in crock pot on top of onions. Add 1 cup of water, then add sauce mixture (stirring to combine with water in pot. Cook roast in Crock pot on High for 2 ½ hours basting roast with sauce in pot periodically. After 2 ½ hours turn temperature down to low setting for 6-8 hours. Roast should now be tender enough to pull and shred. Remove roast from pot and shred pork (two forks work great). Remove any excess fat that hasn’t dissolved. Place shredded pork back into crock pot with sauce. Stir well. Sometimes I need to add more barbecue sauce. Continue to heat on low for desired consistency. Serve immediately on buns or aside a cold salad.*
* I found this tastes delicious on egg, honey or Kaiser buns with coleslaw as the topping. This crock pot pork is also good as a main entree with potato salad!


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