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Pittsburgh's Mellon Arena hosts last concert - King & Taylor

Mellon Arena, which was originally the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, PA is hosting its last concert on June 26, 2010. The headliners for the last concert are two of the most talented artists/musicians in the business: Carole King and James Taylor. The two musicians have written, composed and performed multiple hits over the years. They have truly stood the test of time.

 As a child of the seventies, I can reminisce about how one of their songs can just "take me back" to a nice place in time. I recently saw the PBS special of their live concert at The Troubadour club in Los Angeles. The concert was a tribute to The Troubadour and a reunion of the two artists who performed together years ago at the venue. On a recent driving trip across my state, I listened to the CD of the aforementioned live concert - it made the drive very enjoyable. These are artists that make a live performance better than the recording, in my opinion.  I ordered my tickets months ago for the King/Taylor concert at Mellon Arena.  Mellon just recently canceled a concert by another performer scheduled for July and announced this concert was to be the last.  As most Pittsburghers know, Mellon Arena was the home of the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team. A new venue is being built not far from the Mellon Arena at this time. News reports have said the new Consol Energy Center will be completed soon with the opening later this year. The now old Mellon Arena hosted concerts, circus events, conventions and various sporting events in past years.

I enjoyed attending concerts and events over the years at the Civic Arena (I never got around to calling it the Mellon Arena when the name was changed, however). I believe seeing the circus as a child is my earliest memory at the venue. I saw a local news report the other day indicating the Mellon Corporation ceased funding recently for the arena due to its closing - so, I believe I can officially call it the Civic Arena now!

Nevertheless, I can only believe there are a wealth of wonderful memories that people can share about the Civic Arena. My special memory:  attending a concert in the seventies where the arena's dome was opened during a performance of the last song of the night. It was a sight to behold on that warm and clear summer evening. The music and the dome opening still brings great memories and awesome feelings.  I can only hope the dome is opened at the King/Taylor concert for old times sake - now that would be great!


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