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JetBlue Flight Attendant appears to be 'on-board' now

The once heralded JetBlue flight attendant, Steven Slater appears to be practicing good behavior these days.  Let's face it, lots of people (myself included) gave a snicker when we heard the reports of how Mr. Slater walked off his job  - or, should I say jumped.  The Internet, among other things was buzzing the week of August 9, 2010 when the incident happened. While no passengers were at risk during the flight attendant's rant, there are loads of things that you absolutely cannot do while on an airplane - especially after 9/11.  No-no's are exciting airplane passengers and pulling an emergency chute when no emergency existed. Of course, things could have gone horribly wrong but didn't.
Recent news reports have indicated Steven Slater is no longer employed by JetBlue as of earlier this month. I've heard conflicting stories that Slater resigned and another story that he was relieved of his duties by the airline. The now ex-employee of JetBlue is facing criminal charges of reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and trespassing according to a Wall Street Journal article (see link below).  The TV and Internet images of Mr. Slater handcuffed and walking with his head held high and cheesy grin in tow is still etched in my brain. Let's not forget the infamous picture of him with a Cheshire like smile holding his JetBlue employee identification card. In the past week, all of the videos I've seen of the flight attendant has shown a man that's not smiling so much anymore.  Then again, who would smile after being recently jobless and facing a possible jail sentence? Whether he's playing a part or is taking advice from his lawyer, Mr. Slater seems to be doing things by the book as it were.  The recent visit to court by Steven Slater resulted in speculation that an agreement was made for him to undergo a mental evaluation type program in lieu of jail time. It's said Mr. Slater was as quiet as a church mouse in court the other day (Sept. 7th - see link below). Slater, reportedly will have to appear in court again in October. It seems the flight attendant had his proverbial '15 minutes of fame' and is prepared to jump through any hoops necessary to avoid going to jail - as well he should.

~~~~my ten cents


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