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To Tax the Wealthy or Not to Tax? Bush tax cuts need to expire as planned.

The hot debate in Congress at present is whether the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy will be extended past their planned expiration at the end of 2010.  President Obama hopes to extend the cuts only for couples with incomes under $250,000 (and individuals under $200K).  The U.S. economy is in a horrible state at the moment. Republicans are arguing that we need to keep the millionaires happy by extending their tax cuts. A recent Moody's analysis  (see  ) claims that the rich will not spend more to help the economy. Moody's analysts say the rich will save their money and that, in turn, will actually hurt the economy. However, from my layman's point of view, I can't see how increasing our deficit to spend more for these tax cuts will help the U.S. economy. I can remember lecture from a few economic cla...
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JetBlue Flight Attendant appears to be 'on-board' now

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Wishful thinking

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Flight Attendant on JetBlue loses his cool and exits plane

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Shocking Viral Videos

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...They say don't talk politics or religion at work - wait, what about social media sites???

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Paris Hilton caught with Marijuana

According to an Associated Press news report, Paris Hilton was taken in for questioning regarding marijuana found in her possession. The incident took place at a Corsica airport via drug sniffing dogs.  Apparently, Paris was only held for questioning and was released in 30 minutes!  Oh, that swift hand of justice, huh?  Seriously, I don't expect she'll have to face charges - the article below notes the amount of the drug was "quite small" according to officials.  Just another day in paradise, I guess. See news report below: